
Teorema Planejamento e Assessoria is a company established in 2002, based in São Paulo, Brazil, whose main activity is business intermediation and market prospecting.

We connect sellers and buyers around the world with trust and ethic

We help you by finding the best suppliers for your needs.

We are your choice when you are looking for a trusty market prospector.

Commodities prospection

We believe that the service we offer, connecting companies and businesses, must consider, more than just technical issues, specific knowledge fundamental to offering security and convenience to our clients.

Trust on our expertise and capabilities to help you in all market prospecting activities.

Commodities we usually work

  • Yellow Corn
  • GMO
  • Sugar
  • ICUMSA 45
  • ICUMSA 150
  • VHP 600-1200
  • Soybean
  • GMO
  • Copper Cathode

Contact us, for sure we can help!